Creepiest Last Moments Caught on Trail Cam | Anson County Jane Doe

The remains of an unidentified woman were found in North Carolina, leading to one of the creepiest real horror stories with a dark and disturbing backstory. The missing person was soon seen on a trial camera, showing us some truly disturbing images taken in the early hours of the morning. Nicknamed Anson County Jane Doe, the photos raised more question than answers.

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Anson County Jane Doe Images

Anson County Jane Doe creepy trail cam images - scary true crime video thumbnailAnson County Jane Doe creepy trail cam image in colorAnson County Jane Doe creepy photos captured by trail cameraCloseup shot of Anson County Jane Doe caught on trail cam at nightScary close up photo of the face of Anson County Jane Doe - missing woman photographed by trial cameraScary trail cam photo of Anson County Jane DoeCreepiest images ever caught on trail camera - Anson County Jane Doe color photoPhoto image of Anson County Jane Doe caught on trail cam Amber Rae Johnston - Anson County Jane Doe